
Solar pv system

Solar pv system

Solar panels capture the energy of sunlight which is converted into electricity. This is known as a solar photovoltaic (PV) system, usually called solar PV. Solar PV technology is a source of price-competitive, zero greenhouse gas emission energy for homes and businesses across Australia.
One in 4 households now have solar panels on their roof – the highest uptake of household solar in the world (Clean Energy Regulator, 2020). By installing solar panels, you can reduce both your power bills and your greenhouse gas emissions.
There are many brands and types of solar PV system available, and new technologies are continually being developed. Choosing the right system for your household can deliver cheap power for many years.

Some Point
1. Backup power will be needed when the sun is not shining, either at night or during lengthy cloudy periods. This power can be provided by the main electricity grid, batteries or a generator.
2. Financial considerations for buying a solar PV system include the upfront cost, any rebates and incentives, money saved on energy bills, and money earned through feed-in tariffs.
3. The payback period for solar PV systems is generally between 4 and 8 years for most Australian homes (depending on a household’s particular circumstances, such as electricity consumption or rebates).
4. It is important to get the right sized system for your household. Most households install a 3–5kW system.
5. The position and angle of the panels will affect their efficiency. Where possible, panel frames usually face north and are usually fixed at the optimum tilt angle, which depends on your location.